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Hobbittikahvila kaksi hobittia hobittikahvilan edessä

Warm welcome
to the Hobbit Cafe!

Image by Guy Bianco IV

We open the cafe again in the spring 2024!
The catering service works all year round.

Hobbit Cafe logo

We put the coffee pan on and wait for you!

The Hobbit cafe is open in summers beside Punkaharju in Ala-Särkilahdessa (Särkilahdentie 2318) in an old log building.


We bake everything with "our own little hands" on the premises from high-quality raw materials. And there is enough to offer, from various cheesecakes to savory pies and other baked goods. We also serve good pan goffee and tea.

Welcome to the cafe in summertime! If you are interested in catering, contact us all the year round.

Greetings from the main hobbit (and as the inventor of the idea) Susanna Lindroth-Qvintus, and as assistant hobbit, load carrier and second entrepreneur Reima Qvintus.

Real pan coffee

At the Hobit Cafe, you can get real pot coffee, which is ground on the spot. Coffee this good is worth coming to enjoy even further away. 

Hobbit Cafe logo

The buns and pastries are all home made by us.

Cake Frosting

Unique cakes and catering

Order unique cakes from us for every occasion. Through us you can also get a catering service for parties. You can organize the party in our premises or we can also come on site to serve.

"It's worth coming to the Hobbit Cafe from further away. Such a unique place is a rare find."

— Pirjo Virkkunen, Vantaa

Hobittikahvila sisältä
" Thank you to all the wonderful customers. We have received a lot of positive feedback and it is good to continue this. See you!

- Hobbits Susanna & Reima

torikärry ja hobitti reima hobittikahvila

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Dark Wood Panels
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Hobitti-Kahvila / Namumelli Oy

Särkilahdentie 2318

58690 Ala-Särkilahti


Phone: +358 46 558 4516

Business ID: 3167005-8

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